CS373 Spring 2021: Week 10

Reagan Lasswell
2 min readApr 5, 2021

What did you do this past week?

This past week I got myself caught up in my other courses and internship. Also, I met with my Software Engineering team to discuss the next phase of our project. I volunteered to continue refining our API and it’s functionality.

What’s in your way?

The only thing in my way this coming week is that I have a great deal going on outside of the project. I have a government test on early in the week and I have some work to finalize for my internship.

What will you do next week?

I will study for my test most of the beginning of the week. Though, once that is finished, I will have plenty of time to complete my work for phase 3. I have already planned out most of my work and described my intentions with my teammates. I will start on the functionality of filtering, and then begin the sorting and searching functionality.

If you read it, what did you think of the Dependency Inversion Principle?

I thought it was a valuable read. It gave a great deal of examples to emphasize the problems caused from “bad design” and the laziness of dependency built designs. It is definitely another great tool and mindset to have during the inception of a project.

What was your experience of +, *, ** and decorators?

I did not have any experience with this past weeks lecture items due to my lack of experience with python prior to this course. Though, they do seem very useful to practice with and to know because I feel pretty confident I will see them again from pre-existing code.

What made you happy this week?

This past week I got to see my family for Easter and play some golf with them. I have not seen most of them in over a year due to covid, but now we have all been vaccinated.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip-of-the-week is to branch out as much as you can during the Software Engineering project. There can only be positives from exploring all the different areas of this project. This experience is a hot commodity to have currently for incoming software engineers.

